(joined 3/22/2021)
Hello! <3
I've played a few free games on this site already, but I only made an official account on here just recently. Still trying to figure out how things work here---sadly I'm usually pretty slow when it comes to learning how certain sites work. ^^;
I am an artist at heart and enjoy making tons of fanart and personal works. A lot of it I post on dA (if you wanna check it out, no pressure obviously :P) https://www.deviantart.com/thefiremermaid
While I know next to nothing about programing, I hope to someday make a game of my own... I have an art gallery on my dA account that only my watchers can see, where I post art relating to that lil dream of mine. Even if I don't accomplish that dream, it's okay. The story in of itself is still a work in progress anyway, and I haven't set a deadline for myself, so I can take my time on it. <3